Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Starving the Beast

As state deficits increase, it is interesting to see the changes occurring at the state level in terms of officials having to become more open to business. I spoke with a professor last week who said, "its interesting what happens when you starve the beast" (of capitalism).

What am I referring to, Ohio and its Governor are now supporting the construction of a new Duke Energy power plant, the first in over 20 years. Why? It will bring lasting jobs and I'm sure it will put some money into Ohio's pocket.

A better example exists across the country in San Fransisco where San Quentin prison (pictured above) and state officials are trying to sell off public (beach front) property in order to decrease California's huge deficit.

Due to inefficiency, it is very difficult for the government to generate any revenue through any of its programs, but when the super commodity ($) is needed private investors will always heed the call and through developing whatever they can turn a profit on, feed the beast of capitalism while also paying taxes for their efforts to the state and federal government.

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