Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cinco de Mayo

Cinco de Mayo (fifth of May) celebrates the Mexican army's victory over the French army in Puebla on you guessed it, May 5th, 1862. France invaded Mexico in order to get debts owed to them and other European countries from Benito Juarez. Coincidentally, France did this at a time the U.S. was in its own war (Civil War 1861-1865), and helpless to aid Mexico.

The French Army had not been defeated in 50 years (due to lack of fighting anyone worth while). Even though the Mexican Army won the battle, they lost the war and Mexico City was captured by the French and put under puppet Maximilian's control.
Eventually, the U.S. got involved, after the U.S. Civil War they intervened based on Frances breach of the Monroe Doctrine and asked France to withdraw. By asking, I mean the United States sent troops to the border and established a Naval Blockade in the Atlantic to stop French reinforcements from coming in. They also supplied Benito Juarez the resistance and former Mexican Republic's leader with weapons.
Within a month, France was withdrawing from Mexico and Maximilian was later executed.

So drink, have fun and enjoy your Cinco de Mayo.....but when someone asks you what happened on that date please don't say, "I think its Mexico's independence day."

1 comment:

LAUREN ALT said...

What is that graphic??