Friday, April 17, 2009

That Guy is Loaded!

Too often, many of assume a big house or a big anything means someone is rich. Maybe its as Chris Rock once said, "There is a difference between Rich, and Wealthy, Shaq is rich, the guy who writes his checks is Wealthy!"

I agree, Shaq is probably rich, but even so, always be safe in assuming, until you see the numbers (accurate ones) no one has what they claim. I do not want to come off as a misanthrope, but here are a couple examples......

Bernie Madoff, worth 823 million dollars at the end of last year....he wasnt rich, but many people that gave him money to invest were. Currently, he faces 150 years in prison.
Evander Holyfield, who once had a 3 page write up on his mansion in Sports Illustrated almost had to auction it to cover child support. He was quoted saying, "I'm not broke, I'm just not liquid." Im sorry Evander, but I don't know the difference between broke and ill-liquidity.....His electric bill accoring to Yahoo was $17,000 last December alone!

My personal favorite...Travis Henry (picture above with his dependants), in 2007 he signed a five year 22.5 million dollar football contract. He was cut a year later and 9 children with 9 different women forced him into a drug trafficing arrest. Estimeated child support payments were $170,000 a year!

I hate to play the monday morning quarterback, but even if you make a million dollars a year, you cannot spend one million + 1 in that same year. A good thing to say if you do spend a dollar to much is, "Im just not liquid."

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